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ODS 8 Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico: Publicaciones




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Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Gil-Domenech, D., & Manresa, A. (2024). Boosting entrepreneurial competences beyond business and management-related disciplines. The case of engineering programs. Education and Training,

Marti, A., Bastida, R., & Marimón, F. (2024). A systematic literature review: ESG criteria implementation in the Insurance industry. Intangiblecapital, 20(1), 193.

Ballesteros-Sola, M., & Magomedova, N. (2023). Impactful social entrepreneurship education: A US-Spanish service learning collaborative online international learning (COIL) project. International Journal of Management Education, 21(3), 100866.

Vidal-Ayuso, F., Akhmedova, A., & Jaca, C. (2023c). The circular economy and consumer behaviour: Literature review and research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 418, 137824.

Barbieri, N., & del Marmol, C. (2022). Sustainability and Commodification? The Role of Cultural Assets in the Development of New Paths for Tourism in Catalonia. Contributions to Management Science (pp. 249-266)

Borin, E., Cerquetti, M., Crispí, M., & Urbano, J. (2022). Cultural Organisations as Drivers for Change in Tourism. Contributions to Management Science (pp. 1-10)

Gas-Aixendri, M. (2021). Teaching catholicism in public schools in Spain: the declaration of suitability at the intersection of religious autonomy and state neutrality. British Journal of Religious Education,

Magomedova, N., Achcaoucaou, F., & Miravitlles, P. (2021). The nascence of a springboard subsidiary: drivers of the evolution of a subsidiary role. Management Decision,

Marimon, F., Mas-Machuca, M., & Llach, J. (2021). Making the long and adventurous journey from quality to loyalty. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 32(15-16), 1713-1731.

Casanovas-Rubio, M. M., Christen, C., Valarezo, L. M., Bofill, J., Filimon, N., & Armengou, J. (2020). Decision-making tool for enhancing the sustainable management of cultural institutions: Season content programming at Palau De La Música Catalana. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(14), 1-23.

Harrison, R. T., Yohanna, B., & Pierrakis, Y. (2020). Internationalisation and localisation: Foreign venture capital investments in the United Kingdom. Local Economy, 35(3), 230-256.

Odriozola-Fernández, I., & Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2020). The effect of open innovation strategies on business models. A multiple case study in the automotive sector. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 10(2), 180-198.

Solbes Ferri, S., & Martí Fraga, E. (2020). Military Supply without the Military? Supplying the Spanish Army in the 18th Century. War and Society, 40(1), 64-81.

Vila-Brunet, N., & Llach, J. (2020). Oss-qual: Holistic scale to assess customer quality perception when buying secondhand products in online platforms. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1-15.

Lafuente, E., & Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2019). Contract employment policy and research productivity of knowledge workers: an analysis of Spanish universities. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(16), 2360-2386.

Odriozola-Fernández, I., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Merigó-Lindahl, J. M. (2019). Open innovation in small and medium enterprises: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32(5), 533-557.

Prior, F., & Mora, T. (2019). Quantitative Study On The Impact Of Branchless Banking On Microfinance Institutions. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 90(4), 641-668.

Mora, T., & Prior, F. (2018). The impact of mobile financial services’ usage on microfinance delinquency. Applied Economics, 50(50), 5354-5365.



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