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Albareda-Tiana, Silvia; Fernandez-Borsot, Gabriel; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina [et al.]. Enhancing curricular integration of the SDGs: fostering active methodologies through cross-departmental collaboration in a Spanish university. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2024

Avila, G. D. S. G. L., & Albareda-Tiana, S. (2024). Gender Equality and Sustainable Development. Progress and Challenges in the Global Agenda and at University. Feminismo-S, (43), 213-243.

Benito, I. M., Benito, I. M., & Benito, I. M. (2024). [On-line pornography and minors. Diagnosis, challenges and proposals]. PubMed, 35(113), 27–40.

Fernández Morilla, M., & Lorente, N. R. (2024). Propuesta pedagógica para el desarrollo de competencias STEAM y de sostenibilidad en niños de Educación Infantil. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.

Onsès, J.; Domingo-Coscollola, M., (2024), "Integration of migrant children in educational systems in Spain: stakeholders’ views", INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION, vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 156-170

Vall-Casas, P., Juárez-Bourke, A., Garcia-Acosta, X., Benages-Albert, M., & Germaine, M. (2024). Reviewing the evidence on riparian community engagement: A conceptual framework of community-based river management. Environmental Science & Policy, 161, 103887.

Valls, E., Prats, S., De Bofarull, J., Fullola, M., Julien, E., García-Rueda, R., & Riera, L. (2024). La competència lingüística i comunicativa dels futurs mestres: resultats de la primera prova diagnòstica de català a l’alumnat de nou accés de cinc facultats d’Educació de Catalunya. Revista De Llengua I Dret, 81, 189–212.

Fuertes Camacho, M. T., & Fernández Morilla, M. (2023). STEM education in childhood: perceptions of teachers. TECHNO Review.International Technology, Science and Society Review / Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 13(2)

Gairín, J., Domingo-Coscollola, M., Prats, M. À, & Simón, J. (2023). The professional teaching e-portfolio as a training tool for digital teaching competence. Aloma, 41(1), 15-26.

Domingo-Coscollola, M., Onsès-Segarra, J., & Sancho-Gil, J. M. (2022). Secondary school teachers’ learning: environments, specificities and considerations for educational practice. [Aprenentatge del professorat de secundària: entorns, especificitats i consideracions per a la pràctica educativa; Aprendizaje del profesorado de secundaria: entornos, especificidades y consideraciones para la práctica educativa] Educar, 58(1), 53-68. 

Gas-Aixendri, M.Teaching catholicism in public schools in Spain: the declaration of suitability at the intersection of religious autonomy and state neutrality. British Journal of Religious Education,

Koskinen, S., Burke, E., Fatkulina, N., Fuster, P., Loyttyniemi, E., Salminen, L., Stubner, J., Thorsteinsson, H. S., & Leino-Kilpi, H.Graduating nurse students' interest in older people nursing-A cross-sectional survey in six European countries. International Journal of Older People Nursing,

Roger-Loppacher, O., Buil, P., Tintoré, M., & Prieto-Sandoval, V. (2022a). Promoting Householders' Participation in Household Waste Sorting: A Case for Learning Aluminum Packaging Recycling in Spain. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 24(2), 48-66.

Sancho-Gil, J. M., & Domingo-Coscollola, M. (2022). Expanding perspectives on secondary education teachers’ learning ecosystems: implications for teachers’ professional development. European Journal of Teacher Education, 45(3) , 414-434

Tintoré, M., Gairín, J., Cabral, I., Matías Alves, J., & Serrao Cunha, R. (2022). Management model, leadership and autonomy in Portuguese and Spanish public schools: A comparative analysis. Cogent Education, 9(1)

Belen Arias-Valle, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Marimon, F. (2021). How do socially responsible universities perform? The case of spanish universities. Tec Empresarial, 15(3), 64-82.

Busquets, P., Segalas, J., Gomera, A., Antunez, M., Ruiz-Morales, J., Albareda-Tiana, S., & Minano, R. (2021). Sustainability Education in the Spanish Higher Education System: Faculty Practice, Concerns and Needs. Sustainability, 13(15)

Cebrián G; Moraleda Á; Fernández M; Fuertes MT; Segalàs J; Gutiérrez Blanco I (2021). Multiple case-study analysis of service-learning as a means to foster sustainability competencies amongst pre-service educators. Teachers And Teaching, 27(6), 488-505. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2021.1977269

Gas Aixendri, M. (2021). Fundamental Course on law in the Church. Ius Canonicum, 61(122), 945-959. 

Jiménez Yáñez, R., & Sancho Gargallo, I. (2021). Resoluciones judiciales correctas, claras y precisas. InDret, (4), 432-452.

Latif, K. F., Machuca, M. M., Marimon, F., & Sahibzada, U. F. (2021). Servant Leadership, Career, and Life Satisfaction in Higher Education: a Cross-Country Study of Spain, China, and Pakistan. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16(3), 1221-1247. 

Loss, M. F., Martín, M. G., & Tiana, S. A. (2021). Escoles que eduquen en la diversitat com a eina formadora interdisciplinar de futurs mestres. Revista Del Congrés Internacional De Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), (5)

Marimon, F., Melao, N., & Bastida, R. (2021). Motivations and benefits of quality management systems in social services: mediation of the implementation process. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(7-8), 693-718. 

Puigarnau, A. (2021). ERNST H. KANTOROWICZ'S PHASES OF MEDIEVAL RULERSHIP. Imago Temporis-Medium Aevum, 15, 53-117.

Ramos-Pla, A., Tintore, M., & Del Arco, I. (2021). Leadership in times of crisis. School principals facing COVID-19. Heliyon, 7(11), e08443.

Sancho-Gil, J., Soler-Campo, S., Domingo-Coscollola, M., & Hernandez-Hernandez, F. (2021). Immigrant students' knowledge and experiences around the school: a relational, child-centred approach (Saberes y experiencias del alumnado inmigrante en torno a la escuela: aproximacion relacional y centrada en la infancia). Culture Education, 33(4), 677-701.

Tintoré Espuny, M. (2021). Els líders educatius i la transformació curricular.: Cap a un currículum més obert. Fòrum: Revista D'Organització i Gestió Educativa, (56), 19. 

Tintoré, M. (2021). Mentoría directiva y liderazgo para fomentar la equidad y participación escolar. Revista Portuguesa De Investigação Educacional, (22), 1-15.

Albareda-Tiana, S., Ruíz-Morales, J., Azcárate, P., Valderrama-Hernández, R., & Múñoz, J. M. (2020). The EDINSOST Project: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at University Level

Cunha, R. S., Tintore, M., Cabral, I., & Alves, J. M. (2020). Portuguese Principals' Professional Development Needs and Preferred Learning Methods. Education Sciences, 10(9)

Domingo-Coscollola, M., Bosco, A., Carrasco Segovia, S., & Sanchez Valero, J. (2020). Fostering teacher's digital competence at university: The perception of students and teachers. Rie-Revista De Investigacion Educativa, 38(1), 167-182.

Fernández, M., Cebrián, G., Regadera, E., & Fernández, M. Y. (2020). Analysing the relationship between university students’ ecological footprint and their connection with nature and pro-environmental attitude. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 1-15.

Gil-Domenech, D., & Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2020). Making the learning of mathematics meaningful: An active learning experience for business students. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 57(4), 403-412.

Sancho-Gil, J. M., Correa Gorospe, J. M., Ochoa-Aizpurua Aguirre, B., & Domingo-Coscollola, M. (2020). How we university professors learn. Implications for teacher training. Profesorado-Revista De Curriculum Y Formacion De Profesorado, 24(2), 144-166.

Tintore, M., Cunha, R. S., Cabral, I., & Alves, J. J. M.A scoping review of problems and challenges faced by school leaders (2003-2019). Educational Management Administration & Leadership,

Buil, P., Roger-Loppacher, O., & Tintoré, M. (2019). Creating the habit of recycling in early childhood: A sustainable practice in Spain. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(22)

Fuertes-Camacho, M. T., Graell-Martín, M., Fuentes-Loss, M., & Balaguer-Fàbregas, M. C. (2019). Integrating sustainability into higher education curricula through the project method, a global learning strategy. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(3)

Mino-Puigcercos, R., Domingo-Coscollola, M., & Sancho-Gil, J. M. (2019). Transforming the Teaching and Learning Culture in Higher Education from a Diy Perspective. Educacion Xx1, 22(1), 139-160.

Albareda-Tiana, S., Vidal-Raméntol, S. and Fernández-Morilla, M. (2018), "Implementing the sustainable development goals at University level", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 473-497.

Camps Bansell, J., & Vierheller, E. (2018). Single-sex schools in Spain: A qualitative analysis of the reasoning and perceptions of their principals. [Escuelas diferenciadas en Espanã: Un análisis cualitativo de las razones y percepciones de sus directives] Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, 75(269), 101-117. doi:10.22550/REP76-1-2018-05 Retrieved from

Domingo-Coscollola, M., Onses-Segarra, J., & Sancho-Gil, J. (2018). DIY culture in primary school. Transdisciplinar and collaborative learning shared in DIYLabHub. Rie-Revista De Investigacion Educativa, 36(2), 491-508.

Hernandez-Hernandez, F., Gil, J. M. S., & Domingo-Coscollola, M. (2018). Cartographies as spaces of inquiry to explore of teachers’ nomadic learning trajectories. Digital Education Review, (33), 105-119.

Marcaletti, F., Iñiguez Berrozpe, T., & Koutra, K. (2018). Overcoming age barriers: motivation for mature adults’ engagement in education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 37(4), 451-467.

Miño-Puigcercós, R., Domingo-Coscollola, M., & Sancho-Gil, J. M. (2018). Transforming the teaching and learning culture in higher education from a diy perspective. [Transformar la cultura de enseÑanza y aprendizaje en la educaciÓn superior desde una perspectiva diy] Educacion XX1, 22(1), 139-160.

Mora, T., Escardíbul, J. -., & Di Pietro, G. (2018). Computers and students’ achievement: An analysis of the One Laptop per Child program in Catalonia. International Journal of Educational Research, 92, 145-157.



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